Terms and conditions Surf camp Portugal & Surf camp Tenerife

The Quiet Hours start at 22:00.
There will be only one party per week – weekday to be decided by mutual agreement.
For the triple rooms (three beds) and quad rooms (four beds), the participants can choose their distribution at will.
Twin rooms can be additionally purchased.
Private rooms (single/double) can be requested depending on availability (€100/week).
Currently, we can provide transfer from the airport only on Saturday (TFS).

In order to reserve a spot at Surf Camp, you must fill out the registration form available on the website, accept the terms and conditions of the participation and make the advance payment.
I have taken note of the following:
– Spots are being reserved in the order of the advance payments and cannot be otherwise withheld, unless in extraordinary situations, in which case the Surfacademy team must be contacted.
– The advance payment cannot be refunded, unless a replacement can be found for the person that can no longer participate. In case of a person withdrawing, the Surfacademy team should be informed at the earliest, in order to find a replacement.
– The remainder payment must be handled no later than two weeks before departure. If the registration is made in less than two weeks before the department, the full amount must be then paid at the sign up.

It is a risky action sport, practiced in an environment that is permanently dynamic and unpredictable. Due to distractions or lack of experience, accidents can occur along the way, which is why we highly recommend you to pay extra attention and consideration during the training (both theoretical and practical).
I have taken note of the following:
– The SurfAcademy team is not responsible for any accidents that may occur as a result of non-compliance with the instructors’ guidance and directions;
– Each time, when entering the water, it is mandatory that the safety leash is mounted on the foot;
– Holding the surfboard between the body and the waves must be avoided;
– Hold onto your surfboard and only let it go when it does not endanger other participants;
– In order to advance in the line-up, the surfboard must pass over the waves without it  being held by the leash; accidents can occur in the hands and fingers;
– The riding should stop at least 10 meters before the wave reaches the shore. It is forbidden to jump from the surfboard in the water when the water is shallow, since there are reef areas and stone formations that can cause injuries.
– The behavior in the training area must comply with the instructors’ requests. Because of changes in the tidal currents, different rules might be put in place at times.
– In order to avoid any muscles or ligaments injuries, stretching and warm-up exercises are
recommended before surfing and entering the water.
– During training, the contact between the instructors and the students will be permanently maintained.
– In the surfing area, it is required that the same position is maintained in regards to other participants (stay on the same line-up with the others).
– Before catching a wave, please ensure that all sides are clear and there is no risk of bumping/colliding with other participants. If two or more participants ride the samewave, the riding will be abandoned.

– In order to ensure the safety of the participants, the SurfAcademy team will choose the starting hours of the courses.The oceanographic weather conditions, winds and tides mustbe taken into consideration.
– The courses are given by a team of accredited instructors who will introduce participants to the secrets of this action sport. For any information and details please feel free to contact them without any hesitation.
– Depending on the progress of the participants, there will be an opportunity to divide trainees into two distinct groups, for each level of progress.
I have taken note of the following:
– The times and dates of the courses are pre-established at the beginning of the week. In order to not retain the group from the planned schedule, participants must show up on time.
– On days when the weather conditions do not allow for safe training, participants can choose between a trip on an island, some other optional activities or free time.

Each person will be provided with a neoprene and lycra suit that they will keep all throughout the camp. If the sizes do not match, they can be changed upon request.
The surfboard is chosen at the recommendation of the instructor, depending on the level of each of the participants.
I have taken note of the following:
– Wear of surf equipment (surfboard, leash and neoprene) is normal as long as the conditions of good use are followed. Negligent use will entail extra costs in the following cases:
● the surfboard was left on the shore near the waves and got lost in the ocean;
● the surfboard covering/keels shows wear and deformation, caused by a faulty behavior on the reef or losses;
● the neoprene was ripped by sharp surfaces.
– If the trainee wants to surf with a surfboard other than the one recommended by the instructor, in order to keep safe from the other participants, the trainee will move away from the group and will give up the school lycra. The surfboard can be replaced only upon request and only if other surfboards are available, or if the instructor believes that the surfboard will help the student progress.
– After each training, the neoprene and lycra suits must be rinsed both on the inside and on the outside with fresh water, and dried on the inside.
– When entering the water, it is mandatory that all trainees wear the white lycra with the school inscription, for an easier recognition and to be set apart from other groups.
– The surfing equipment can also be used outside of the training hours and remains available for each throughout the week, at no extra cost.
– During breaks and at the end of each training, surfboards are stored on the beach, in specially designated places.
– At the end of the course, the sand from the surfboards should be washed off, and the surfboards transported back to the car/school/camp.
– The surfboard should be transported under the arm, on the hip or on the head. In case that the equipment is too heavy, two plates will be transported in tandem by two people, according to the directions given by the instructors.

– One car is provided to one responsible driver, who will be liable for any damages and fines that are not covered by insurance. If another person will drive the car, he or she must be designated, and the time and duration of use must be indicated.

I have taken note of the following:
– In order to reach the surfing beach, there will be one car assigned for five people, at the beginning of the week. The car can be used outside the training hours, with the consent of all five participants. Permutations can be made from one car to another at any time, but only by taking into account the fact that the value of the fuel is divided equally between all those who use it.
– The cars are to be driven on paved roads only.
– The cars will be returned with the same amount of fuel with which they were initially taken.
– Fuel purchasing is in the responsibility of the trainees.
– The cars must be kept clean, free of rubbish and sand.
– Parking is allowed only in designated places, and only in the allowed time intervals. Anyfines will be sent to the person responsible for the car.

– Transfers to/from the airports designated by the organizers, in pre-established time intervals, are included in the initial price. To check location and time details, please contact the SurfAcademy Team before purchasing your airline tickets.

There are twin rooms (two beds), triple rooms (three beds) and quad rooms (four beds) available.
The participants are free to choose the rooms on the first night at Surf Camp. As much as possible, we try to separate the rooms, for men and women. Couples have priority for double rooms.
There are towels available at the accommodation, however they cannot be taken to the beach.
The kitchen and some bathrooms are shared. The order of use of these spaces must be respected.

– Bio waste must be collected separately from non-bio waste.
– The kitchen must be kept clean, so that everyone can easily use it at any time.
– Common areas should be kept clean and sand-free. Before entering the villa, feet must be cleaned and washed.